The aroma of Christ

Have you ever sat down for dinner to be overwhelmed by the smell of an amazing steak? What about the smell of a fresh brewed cup of coffee? What about the smell of your newborn baby? Different smells trigger different things to different people. But to our Lord and Savior we are an aroma to Him that when we are among our friends and unsaved ones and we are talking to others about The Word of God, it pleases Our Lord and Savior so much that he says we smell like Christ to Him. I am thrilled about the concept that God wants to diffuse through us the knowledge of His word. In order for us to diffuse the word of God we must know the word of God, so dig deep today. Start with a book of the Bible and read verse by verse with understanding this inspired book of the knowledge of God. Take one or two verses and meditate over them seek God through them. God says test me in my words and see if they are true! Be an aroma today that allows God to lift you out of any position that wants to drown you in sorrow or sin. 


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