How many of us know that God promises to fight for us? He promises to overcome our enemies, He promises to make us victors through the fire, He promises to save us from those that pursue us with evil intent, He promises to protect us under His mighty wing. And what do we need to do?? We only need to be still! Being still requires a mind that is set on Jesus. A mind that knows that no worry in me will change where you are leading me. Worry takes our eyes off the Savior and puts them on us. Faith requires us to be silent in voicing worry or speaking against ourselves. If you have to speak during times of trouble let it be a praise to the Lord for all He is fulfilling through you. So next time you get a flat tire praise Him because you don’t know what might have been ahead that He is saving you from. Next time our plans don’t work out praise Him for a chance that He will bring about His plan which will be infinitely better than ours. No nothing can change the promise that God will fight for need only be still!!
How do we Know the Voice of God
How do we know the voice of God? In so many of my days gone by I never understood what it meant to “hear” the voice of God. I continually felt lost thinking to myself why can’t I hear His voice speak to me. It wasn’t until recently that I began to realize that His voice can be heard by reading His word. So many answers lay in wait in the Gospel of truth. It will direct us in ALL our ways. We will begin to absolutely hear the voice of God more with our Spirit ears inside of us when we start meditating on who He is and what He wants to speak into our lives each day. Set aside the time to renew you mind every day in His word and you will hear His voice, He will Know you and you will follow Him! Father show us this morning what You have for us in this day. Teach us that Your word is how we navigate in a world that needs to hear more from You through us! Amen
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