How many of us know the power that dwells within each of us? We are all purposed for a call, a task to complete. Many of us will defer that task or calling because we choose easier roads that “feel” more natural to us. We believe lies that tell us you can’t do this or that. These lies can cause distractions to enter in as a result of us searching for what God has for us, but instead finding what we want and mistakenly believing it’s what God wanted for us. Guess what.... God is still with you. He is still pursuing you, you will find Him when you release all that takes your eyes off Him! Release your footsteps into His hands, realize the power of God that is waiting to be unleashed through you for His glory. Journeys that lead you to your purpose are usually never easy, always winding, sometimes scary or leaving us feeling alone but ALWAYS rewarding. Some of us will be laying the ground work for other warriors of God to complete. Some of us are seed planters, some of us water the seeds, some of us reap the harvest. Pray for the Lord to release anything that keeps you from seeing His purpose. Daily seek His will for you so that The Holy Spirit can work freely in you without worldly distraction. Realize and KNOW what the Lord has already planted inside of you that’s waiting to bloom!


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