Fear Not

The antidote to fear, is there one? I would say Yes!! Gods word is the antidote to fear. The word of God gives us courage to overcome fear. He promises to make us over comers through Him so that we can see His victory for us. Fear is one of those emotions that can keep you from seeing all that God has set up for you in this life. It makes sense why God felt inclined to say over and over in His word fear not or do not be afraid. Fear when allowed can grip you and can have a way of crippling you from any forward movement, fear can keep you feeling stagnant and without purpose which leads to discouragement. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of fear it’s one of those emotions that is meant for your destruction from the adversary. Walk in courage for God promises to walk with us and never leave us. Pray today: Father instill me with Your courage to know that I can overcome fear today because of who You are in me. If I get afraid remind me that You have already walked ahead of me to keep me safe and protected! AMEN


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