Anger is the key to strife. Being angry or vexed in life really doesn’t steal any ones joy more than your own. When you struggle in the bondage of anger, initially you spew out all kinds of garbage from your mouth usually onto another person. You feel justified thinking I gave them the dose of truth they needed to hear. WRONG!!! What you did was play into the hands of the adversary and allowed him to use you as a tool. You would be better to do as this bible verse says put your hand over your mouth and pray for the Lord to reveal the source of your anger, sometimes when we look deep into our own hearts the Lord will reveal where this anger is rooted in. Satan will use any weakness or flaw within us to destroy not only others but ourselves keeping us in bondage to sin. Strengthen your soul, your mind daily with the word of God. Dress yourself with the armor or God lest you get stung by a fiery dart!
How many of us know that God promises to fight for us? He promises to overcome our enemies, He promises to make us victors through the fire, He promises to save us from those that pursue us with evil intent, He promises to protect us under His mighty wing. And what do we need to do?? We only need to be still! Being still requires a mind that is set on Jesus. A mind that knows that no worry in me will change where you are leading me. Worry takes our eyes off the Savior and puts them on us. Faith requires us to be silent in voicing worry or speaking against ourselves. If you have to speak during times of trouble let it be a praise to the Lord for all He is fulfilling through you. So next time you get a flat tire praise Him because you don’t know what might have been ahead that He is saving you from. Next time our plans don’t work out praise Him for a chance that He will bring about His plan which will be infinitely better than ours. No nothing can change the promise that God will f...
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